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A holistic approach to minimising and managing waste

Tonkin + Taylor works with central, local governments and private companies to provide an integrated strategic approach to policy, planning, design, construction, and the operation of resilient waste infrastructure.

Our team of dedicated waste, contaminated land, resource recovery, and circular economy consultants have over 50 years’ experience and is committed to helping clients make the right decisions – focussing on customer satisfaction, efficiency, and reducing operational environmental impacts. We’re passionate about developing infrastructure that uses integrated thinking to protect human health, safeguard the environment, and enable efficient and effective use of resources.

The minimisation and management of waste is complex, and our team believes that protecting public health, environmental protection, and maximising resource efficiency is paramount. Our team of resource recovery and circular economy consultants work closely with in-house engineers and environmental specialists to provide a range of services throughout the project lifecycle and operational management. Our approach is based on understanding the waste sector at a practical level and a focus on real-world solutions.

Whether it’s specialist contaminated land management services or waste and recycling consultancy services, we provide sound, sustainable solutions. From concept and detailed design of resource recovery infrastructure to environmental assessments and approvals, community engagement, and auditing services. We’re committed to helping policy makers, local authorities, and the waste industry make the right decisions alongside mana whenua to optimise their approach to ensure that waste and materials are recovered where possible and managed appropriately.

Market Info


  • International development agencies 
  • Resource recovery 
  • National/State Government 
  • Solid waste management 
  • Regional/Local Government 


  • Landfill design
  • Closed Landfill Monitoring
  • Environmental science and consenting for waste and resource recovery infrastructure
  • Resource recovery systems and infrastructure design
  • Circular economy frameworks and implementation
  • Waste systems and infrastructure resilience
  • Indigenous Peoples partnership and engagement

Recent Projects

National Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Strategy – Niue

National Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Strategy – Niue

Bluegums Landfill

Bluegums Landfill

Silverstream Landfill Operations Contract Programme

Silverstream Landfill Operations Contract Programme

National Closed Landfill Risk Assessment Tool

National Closed Landfill Risk Assessment Tool

Melbourne Regional Landfill

Melbourne Regional Landfill

Western Springs College Redevelopment

Western Springs College Redevelopment

Auckland Material Recovery Facility

Auckland Material Recovery Facility

Ecolabelling – Eco Choice Aotearoa

Ecolabelling – Eco Choice Aotearoa

Redvale Landfill

Redvale Landfill

Whitford Landfill Design

Whitford Landfill Design

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