Whitford Landfill is a key element of Auckland’s solid waste infrastructure and from mid-2005 was the sole remaining municipal solid waste landfill on the Auckland isthmus. The landfill is operated by Waste Disposal Services – a joint venture between Auckland Council and Waste Management NZ Ltd.
The landfill has operated with modern engineering and management systems since 1994 and is now a state-of-the-art facility serving major urban areas in the southern parts of Auckland City. The area has a base population of nearly half a million people and contains a significant proportion of Auckland’s light industrial base.
Tonkin + Taylor’s involvement at the site commenced in 2000. We have been responsible for obtaining resource consents for the development of Footprints “T” and “U”, detailed designs for Phases 8, 9, 9A, 10, 11 and 12, ongoing development planning and design of a steep sideslope liner system for extension into the adjacent quarry void, airspace modelling and stormwater drainage.
The landfill is lined with clay and geomembrane liner systems, with particular detailing required for portions of the liner adjoining the old historic landfill on the site. The footprint ultimately covers 48 ha to contain up to 12 million m3 of waste.