Explore the complexities of climate-related disclosures (CRD) with expert practitioners from Tonkin + Taylor and industry partners.

This series will provide practical insights and actionable strategies to help your organisation meet disclosure requirements while progressing toward low-carbon, climate-resilient futures.
These webinars will be useful for all organisations who are required to, or plan to, prepare CRDs – especially those moving into year two of the NZ disclosure regime.
Don’t miss the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and strengthen your organisation’s sustainability journey.
Climate-Related Disclosures, Webinar One – Transition Planning

Delve into transition planning in detail – focussing on a practical and maturity-based approach to building resilience, reducing emissions, and embedding these changes within an organisation’s strategy. The webinar will be led Tonkin + Taylor specialists, James Hughes and Simon Harvey, and Ian Edwards from Informed.City. The webinar will delve into the nature of different businesses, their risk profile, and exposure to GHG emissions.
Climate-Related Disclosures, Webinar Two – Understanding Targets and Metrics

This webinar will explore metrics and target setting with Tonkin + Taylor experts Marta Karlik-Neale and James Hughes, alongside Jeska McHugh – Managing Director of sustainability assurance provider, McHugh & Shaw. The session will focus on GHG emissions covering Scopes 1, 2, and 3, including science-based target setting. We will also touch on the emerging practice of resilience metrics and targets.
Climate-Related Disclosures, Webinar Three – Assessing Financial Impacts

In part one of our assessing financial impacts webinar, we will explore various approaches to quantifying physical and transition risks. Tonkin + Taylor experts James Hughes, Emma Singh, and Ian Edwards and Donovan Burton from Informed.City will discuss the pros and cons of each, and considerations for businesses as they begin to undertake quantification. Stay tuned for part two in early 2025.