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Combined numerical and physical modelling of waves for Ōpōtiki Harbour entrance design

Australasian Coasts & Ports 2021 Conference, Christchurch

The Ōpōtiki Harbour Development Project involves stabilising the entrance of the Waioeka River to allow reliable and safe access for maritime activity. This project is the first major river training works to be designed in New Zealand in over 100 years and includes twin 400 m long training wall breakwaters, dredging of a navigable channel into the harbour, and closing the natural river mouth. Show more…Accurate definition of wave height reaching the structure is a key design parameter for armour sizing, setting crest elevation and determining wave penetration into the harbour. To model wave processes for the design, a high-resolution numerical wave model was required to resolve nearshore transformation, refraction, diffraction, and reflection off the structure. The fully non-linear Boussinesq model Funwave-TVD was used to for this work, in conjunction with physical modelling in the wave basin with WRL. This paper discusses how numerical and physical modelling methods were used in a complementary and iterative manner to inform and test the design. Reflection was a key consideration during the modelling work. Reflection and any resulting convergence needed to be accounted for within the breakwater channel, however, amplification from reflection radiating out to the open sea needed removing to optimise the unit sizing. Wave reflection in the numerical model was assessed using a range of linear and directional spectral methods, with limited success. Improved handling of reflection for the design objective was achieved by repeating simulations with and without the breakwater structures. Reflection off the structures was controlled in the numerical model using a local friction on the breakwater face that achieved a reflection coefficient of 0.3-0.4 to match physical modelling observations. Physical modelling results were also used to validate and calibrate the numerical model. A scaled version of the final design was tested in a 3D physical model for confirmation of stability.Show less…

Categories: Water
Tags: 2021
Author: Eddie Beetham, Francois Flocard, Grant W. Pearce, Jonathan Clarke, Lance D. Partner, Patrick Knook, Tom D. Shand