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At Tonkin + Taylor, our consultants and scientists provide a comprehensive range of Ecology and Water Science services to support sustainable development and the management and preservation of our natural environment. Our team of Ecology Consultants and scientists, specialise in terrestrial, freshwater, wetland, and marine ecology. We excel in the application of scientific practice in a regulatory environment and are well respected across New Zealand, contributing to development of guidance and policy.

Our services cover the full project cycle from pre-purchase opportunities and constraints assessments, site investigations, environmental impact assessments for consent applications through to management plans and designing and implementing habitat restoration and monitoring programs. We offer consulting services to help clients comply with environmental regulations and minimise their impact on the environment. Our teams working with our geospatial and digital specialists to develop project specific data capture tools to improve efficiency and accuracy.

Ecology Consultants Ecology Experts


  • Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and effects management packages including offset and compensation measures
  • Terrestrial ecological assessments, surveys and monitoring – in forest, agriculture and wetland ecosystems and wildlife including birds, lizards, bats and invertebrates
  • Ecosystem services evaluations
  • Design and implementation of Ecological Management Plans – fauna management plans (bats, birds, lizards), pest management and riparian planting design
  • Fauna Management – Threatened species surveys (bats, birds, lizards, frogs and invertebrates), habitat assessments, salvage and relocation, monitoring and radio-tracking
  • Wildlife handlers – DoC-approved bat ecologists (survey and handling) and DoC-approved lizard specialists
  • Wildlife detection dog services
  • Biodiversity offset modelling and biodiversity compensation modelling
  • Significant Ecological Area (SEA) and Significant Natural Area (SNA) assessments
  • Hearing and Environment Court – expert witness and certified Independent Commissioners
  • GIS and vegetation mapping using UAV drones and multi-spectral analysis
  • Ecological restoration – restoration and mitigation plans, habitat enhancement and land rehabilitation advice
  • Riparian management and planting plans
  • Biosecurity – kauri dieback and myrtle rust management
  • Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and effects management packages including offset and compensation measures.
  • Freshwater ecology assessments, surveys and monitoring – stream and wetland ecosystems, including fish and invertebrates
  • Wetland delineations
  • Stream assessment methodologies – including Stream Ecological Valuations (SEVs) and Ecological Compensation Ratios (ECRs)/Regional Ecological Monitoring of Streams (REMS)
  • Freshwater fish salvage and relocation – undertaken with MPI and DOC-approved permits
  • Fish passage – fish pass and screen design, assessment and monitoring
  • Habitat assessment and enhancements – stream restoration and mitigation plans, habitat enhancements, rehabilitation including riparian management and planting plans
  • Freshwater policy, strategy, and planning – including Integrated Catchment Management
  • Water take assessments and intake screens
  • Lake and wetland profiling and sampling
  • Microbial source tracking
  • Marine and coastal Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and effects management packages including offset and compensation measures
  • Resource management, ecological mitigation and biodiversity offsetting advice, including the development and implementation of marine ecology-related resource consent condition
  • Baseline surveys for harbours and estuaries, including intertidal benthic surveys, sediment, shellfish and water quality analysis
  • Coastal and marine water and sediment quality monitoring, including coastal outfall discharges
  • Broad-scale coastal habitat mapping using sophisticated tools and monitoring of changes over time
  • Restoration and enhancement plans for coastal, marine and estuarine environments, including shellfish restoration
  • Coastal and marine fauna surveys and management, including coastal birds and marine mammals
  • Marine biosecurity and development of Biosecurity Management Plans
  • Underwater acoustics, including underwater modelling and impact assessment
  • Aquaculture consent compliance assistance and site assessments
  • Ports and marinas – ecological assessments for construction and dredge spoil disposal
  • Expert witness and Environment Court hearings

Recent Projects

Mount Messenger Bypass – Te Ara o Te Ata

Mount Messenger Bypass – Te Ara o Te Ata

Cobham Drive Marine Habitat Enhancement

Cobham Drive Marine Habitat Enhancement

Ecology for Highway Infrastructure

Ecology for Highway Infrastructure

Significant Natural Area (SNA) Assessment Frameworks and Inventories

Significant Natural Area (SNA) Assessment Frameworks and Inventories

Tupua Horo Nuku

Tupua Horo Nuku

Omaha Wastewater Treatment Plant

Omaha Wastewater Treatment Plant

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